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Questions 1 to 20: Select the best answer to each question. Note that a question and its answers may be split across a page

break, so be sure that you have seen the entire question and all the answers before choosing an answer.

1. Which of the following statements is an example of a transfer of training objectives?

A. The students will effectively decrease the average number of defects per hour from 15 to 8.

B. The students will find the training to be an efficient and effective use of their time.

C. The company will reduce its costs by $400,000 per year due to a decrease in manufacturing defects.

D. The student will be able to correctly identify the appropriate number of widgets to use during a timed test to be given at the

conclusion of the training.

2. Which of the following training supplements is considered dynamic media?

A. A policies and procedures manual

B. An overhead projection

C. A video

D. A handout

3. Which type of training objective describes the desired attitudinal and subjective evaluations of training by

the trainee?

A. Transfer of training objectives

B. Learning objectives

C. Trainee reaction objectives

D. Organizational outcome objectives

4. As part of her training in relapse prevention, Monica makes a list of situations in which she’s likely to slip

back into old behavior. What coping strategy is she using?

A. Monitor a target skill

B. Identify high-risk situations

C. Identify organizational support for skill retention

D. Understand the relapse process

5. The following statement is a partial learning objective: “Using a table saw, the trainee will cut a board.”

Which part of the objective is missing?

A. Desired outcome

B. Standard

C. Condition

D. Attitude

6. Mindy is a trainer who must facilitate part of a new-hire orientation. Her job is to deliver basic

information on rules and regulations, benefits, compensation, and safety to groups of 20-40 new hires.

What method would be most effective for Mindy’s situation?



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