Combine information from several sources and clearly and coherently explain something to readers who are not already familiar with the information.

In this assignment, you will combine information from several sources and clearly and coherently explain something to readers who are not already familiar with the information. It builds on what you learned in ENG 101 about writing from multiple sources (e.g., summary, paraphrase, and quotation), but it also reinforces the critical thinking skills of analysis and synthesis as well as source citation. Assignments 2 – 4 will require you to go beyond simply reporting information—which, by itself, is a crucial skill—to persuading readers to believe or do something.

Assignment Instructions

In The McGraw-Hill Guide (henceforth, TMHG), read Chapter 7, “Writing to Inform.”
Write a 1,250 – 1,500 word informative report about some factual topic of interest to a group or organization to which you belong.For example, students at CMU, employees where you work, members of specific club or professional organization, people who participate in a specific hobby or activity that you enjoy, etc.
Your report should emerge from a synthesis of information from at least six (6)recent and authoritative sources, perhaps also combined with your own personal knowledge about the topic. Part of the challenge of synthesizing information from multiple sources is making strategic decisions about what information to include and what not to include; often, the latter decision is more difficult than the former. For example, if you were to explain global warming to students in a high school science class, consider why these readers might need or want this information.

See TMHG, Chapter 19, “Finding and Evaluating Information.”

In addition to including information based on your own knowledge and experience, use a combination of quotation and paraphrase from your sources; however, no more than about 10% (125 –150 words) of your report should consist of quoted material. Instead, rely on summary and paraphrase. And as you should have learned in ENG 101, all information from sources—whether quoted, paraphrased, or summarized, whether words or images—must be cited. Keep in mind, though, that your voice, not your sources’, should be most prominent in your report.
See TMHG, Chapter 3: “Writing to Understand and Synthesize Texts.”

Format your report in a way that is appropriate for your intended audience and purpose.This assignment could take a form different from a traditional school “paper,” e.g., it might take the form of a web page, a brochure, an article in a newsletter or magazine, etc. Whatever final format it takes, develop the text for the peer draft as a print document.
See TMHG, Part Five, Chapter 17, “Choosing a Medium, Genre, and Technology for Your Communication.”

Your peers and I will help you decide on an appropriate format for your report, depending on what you see as its specific purpose and intended audience.

Include any appropriate visuals that will enhance the effectiveness of your report. Use of visuals in this assignment is optional, and visuals might not count toward the total word count for the assignment; it will depend on what kind of visuals you use and whether you created them yourself or borrowed them from a source. All borrowed visuals must be cited. Do not include gratuitous visuals, such as clip art; include only visuals that convey relevant meaning and help readers understand the information.



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